Contact Lens Exams, Fittings & Brands in Columbia

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Time to Ditch the Frames

If you’ve been wearing eyeglasses for a while, you know how inconvenient they can sometimes be. Laser eye surgery is an option for some people.

Fortunately, laser surgery and eyeglasses aren’t the only way to see clearly with refractive errors. Contact lenses can be a great option for several reasons, such as an effective form of dry eye therapy, possibly crisper vision compared to glasses due to the placement of the lenses, or more options to accessorize with sunglasses or cosmetic frames.

If you’re interested in contact lenses, let our team know when you book an appointment for a comprehensive eye exam, which will determine the overall health of your eye. They can schedule you for a contact lens exam at the same time.

Brands We Carry

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer to contact lenses. That’s why we’re happy to carry several brands to ensure you’re getting the best possible lens for your eyes:

If you don’t see your preferred brand listed, reach out to our office today, and one of our experienced staff can review your options with you.

Benefits of Contact Lenses

There are several reasons people prefer contact lenses over glasses, including safety, esthetics, and improved vision.

If you play sports or have a job where you have to wear protective eyewear, you have a couple of options: buy special safety glasses with your prescription or buy over-the-glasses safety eyewear. Wearing contacts is a potential answer to both of these problems because you’re not limited in what type of safety glasses or eye protection you can wear.

Many people wear glasses because they require them to see, not because they like how they look. Contact lenses don’t necessarily change your look (unless you get colored ones), but they allow you to accessorize yourself with sunglasses or stylish non-prescription glasses.

In some instances, wearing contacts can improve your vision. Because of how they sit directly on the eyeball, contact lenses can offer more natural vision than eyeglasses. Additionally, you avoid blurry blindspots because the lens moves with your eye, unlike glasses.

Specialty Contact Lenses

Extended wear, daily disposable, or rigid gas-permeable (RGP) lenses: many options fit different people based on their vision needs, eye health, or specific sensitivities. Sometimes, you may need alternative specialty lenses to correct a specific issue.

Specialty contact lenses that Essential Eyes Columbia offers include:

  • Aspheric lenses: Sometimes standard glasses or contact lenses can’t provide the necessary correction to your vision because of eye shape. Aspheric lenses could be the answer in these situations based on their shape.
  • Toric lenses: Because of their unique shape, a toric lens can help correct astigmatism.
  • Multifocal lenses: Where a bifocal lens has 2 distinct prescriptions, a multifocal lens gently transitions between multiple prescriptions for great all-in-one lenses.

Book Your Contact Exam & Fitting with Us

You may already have an idea of what you want based on your research; however, the first place to start is with a contact lens exam and fitting.

Our Brands

Our Location

We Want to Meet You!

We’re here to meet your vision needs. Stop by for a visit!

Where to Park?

Plenty of parking is available right outside our office doors in the plaza.

Our Address

  • 1940 Shady Brook St., Suite E
  • Columbia, TN 38401

Contact Information

Hours of Operation

  • Monday: Closed
  • Tuesday: 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Thursday: 8:00 AM 4:00 AM
  • Friday: 9:00 AM 4:30 AM
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed
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